Quit Smoking / Vaping
Everything you need to quit smoking or vaping for good, easier than you ever imagined possible, through an 8-week digital program.
My Unique Approach
Full support to quit smoking, vaping, or any form of nicotine dependence in an 8-week digital program, through cellular detoxification.
We'll move beyond the comprehensive behavior modification strategies of your quit journey to support both the physical and emotional detoxification process as you give up smoking or vaping.
When you support specific detoxification pathways it not only helps your withdrawal period to be quicker and easier, but your ability to quit for good, solidifies.
You'll be guided to healing from the toxic exposure of cigarettes and vaping, learning to detox from toxic emotions, and then rebuilding your health so that you quit for good.
This is healing on a cellular level. It's the ultimate inner makeover, waking up to your true self, and reclaiming your life! Trust me, it's beyond worth it.
Click on the video to meet your coach, Sue Williams
Strategies for Success - proven strategies to conquer blocks to a successful quit.
Mindset Mastery - mindset coaching to change your brain, we'll use mindset over medication to avoid dependence on pharmaceuticals.
Behavior Change Modification - action plans for all areas of your life to ensure success.
Mastery of Craving and Withdrawal Symptoms - learn cellular detox protocols to support an easier quit experience while transitioning to optimal health.
Health Rebuilding Protocols - cellular rejuvenation tools to elevate your health to the next level
Accountability and Support - support system with many resources.

Access to weekly coaching modules
Full preparation for Quit Day (week 5)
Stress & emotional detox training
Behavior modification deep dive
Easy management of cravings and withdrawal
Prepare for high risk situations
Mindset work to quit for good
Detoxification & health rebuilding protocols
Relapse prevention
Why People Love This Program
Frequently Asked Questions
No, each weekly module is released weekly. You'll need the days in between to "work" the program, learn what is working and what needs tweaking. It's a process that takes the full weeks for optimal success.
Can I listen to all the modules one day?
Allow an hour for each module. You'll listen and then do the exercises provided in pdf format. This is your time to focus on you and you get out what you put in.
How much time is this going to take?
You'll enjoy your beautiful smoke-free life! I'm available for additional coaching session if you feel you need "tune-ups" after the program but most people feel confident and equipped with tools. You'll have access to the program for a year and also continue to have access to the private Facebook group for questions and support.
What do I do after the 8 weeks?
No, but in the Resources section I have recommendations you have the option to purchase for added support in your quit, detoxification, and your health rebuilding.
Do I need to purchase anything else for my success?
Your quit day is the start of Week 5 (Module 5), and that's by design. You'll have all the tools you need by then for an easier quit.
Do I have to quit today?
After module three (3) and on or before your quit day, you'll be able to click on a link to request an hour-long coaching session if you'd like extra support. (With an additional charge)
How do I schedule a 1:1 coaching session with you?
Due to the digital nature of the program, the Sue Williams Quit program is non-refundable. You'll have all the tools you need to quit within the program.
If the program doesn't work for me can I get a refund?
You'll have access to all the modules, resources and private FB group for one year from date of purchase.